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Royal Rangers is an international Christian scout organization, which mentors children and young people in character building and leadership development. Adventure and fellowship in connection with the Christian faith offer an excellent basis for this.
In Bulembu we have already established a large Royal Rangers Outpost. This valuable work should now be multiplied.
1.000 € is needed to establish one new outpost. This includes a starter package, travel expenses and the training of the leaders.
1,000 € are needed annually for outreaches – these are programs lasting several days at different locations to get children interested and excited about the Royal Rangers work.
4,000 € are needed annually to start aid projects for people in need in cooperation with the local Royal Rangers Outpost. This could includes renovation, maintenance and distribution of relief goods.
25.000 € are needed for an off-road vehicle to enable nationwide operations on impassable roads.
With the spread of the Covid 19 virus in early 2020 in Eswatini, we saw great distress and fear among the adults and elderly residents of the neighboring villages.
Many people lost their jobs and were directly affected by the Corona Regulation.
We believe that God challenged us to be hope bearers and to help people in need.
That is why we started the Corona Food Parcel Project and with your help we have already distributed over 130 food parcels to people in need.
Currently this Project, is because of YOU
We are grateful for every donation and help we have received over the past several years from families, friends, community and companies.
Today we live on 1400€ per month.
However, in order to develop stability and security in our project we need additional funds.
Do you have it in your heart to be a part of our work and support us monthly or one-time?
We need 100 people who give a small amount of only 10€ per month or more.
By giving up just one special coffee or takeaway meal, you can invest in our lives to fulfill our calling “to mentor the next generation”.
Thank you for believing in what God has placed in our hearts.
Together we can make a difference.
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VM-International e.V
Sepa Lastschrift*
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Donate online via PayPal
You can donate online by clicking on the button “PAY PAL”. You will be redirected to the VM-International website, where you can fill in the form, choose your payment method and then make your donation.
“Project 575 El-Kaakour”
Please pray for us
For up to date prayer requests please contact us via E-Mail or WhatsApp.
+268 78673772
As an Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to represent our work in your community, workplace, school, university or church.
This is an important position that comes with a certain amount of responsibility, but at the same time it is
a great reward in knowing that your valuable time and resources are helping to spread the Gospel here in Eswatini.
We believe that as an ambassador you will have a significant impact on our work here in Eswatini.
We trust that when your passion is combined with God’s purpose, the impact will be tremendous.
For further information’s, flyer, popups or print media contact us.
We offer mission trips for your church, family, youth group or Royal Rangers team (3 Star RIDE)
Please contact us directly and we can with your help, create your unique experience better.
Age: 18 to 26 years
Duration of service: 12 months (as a rule)
Seminars*: Pre- and post-seminar of the GVS
Funding*: Legal rules & funding apply
*Seminars & Funding applies for Germans only
Please contact the VM-International or the GVS gGmbH (Global Volunteer Services)
Age: from 18 years
Duration of assignment: at least 3 months
Please contact the Bulembu Ministries Swaziland or directly us
Eswatini is the smallest country in the southern hemisphere and offers great diversity. Since April 2018 the former colonial state even has a new name! Just in time for his own 50th birthday, King Mswati announced that Swaziland should be called “Kingdom of eSwatini” (again) in the future. Since September 1968 Swaziland has been an independent state and this should now be reflected in the original name of the country. Translated eSwatini means something like “Land of the Swazis”.
Good to know
Bulembu is located on the South African border at the end of a steep road west of Piggs Peak. The surrounding mountains include the 1862 m high Emlembe Peak, the highest peak in the kingdom. Situated at the foot of the mountain, the city is surrounded by the natural beauty of lush green hills and eucalyptus forests.
Built in the 1930s to supply the Havelock asbestos mine – once the mainstay of Swaziland’s economy – this mining community remained a ghost town after the asbestos market collapsed and the mine was closed. Since then, it has been given a new lease of life thanks to a groundbreaking charity project that has revitalized the community by combining social care – including the placement of at-risk children in the former miners’ homes – with industries such as honey production, spring water bottling, a dairy and a bakery. Today, tourists can visit the fascinating and well-preserved mining museum, stroll through the old colonial buildings, and see local stores in action, stay at the charming and revitalized Bulembu Country Lodge and hike in the hills.
Hello! We are the Elks, and we would like to introduce ourselves as well as give you a short background to how we got where we are and what our work is.
We have been working as “theElks” in Eswatini since 2012 and have two children (Annabel and Amaya).
Allison El-Kaakour, formerly Smith, came to Eswatini in 2007 to be a teacher at the Bulembu Pre-Primary School. In 2008 she began pastoring the youth group at the Bulembu Community church as well as teaching. She found her passion within youth ministry and teaching the children of Bulembu. In 2010 Bulembu opened up Royal Rangers and few months after the launch of the ministry.
Allison was also put in charge of pioneering and building the new ministry. With very little skill in scouting, but a whole lot of heart and amazing mentors in Cape Town who walked hand in hand with her the first few years, and a team of dedicated young leaders, the ministry thrived and became a blessing to the children of the Bulembu Community. This is how Allison and Ahmad met! In 2012, when yearly Ranger camps came around, a young handsome German man who was interning in Cape Town for the Royal Rangers travelled to Bulembu to help run the children’s Camps. That was the beginning of our journey together. In 2013 Allison and Ahmad were married. They left teaching at the school and focused solely on Youth pastoring and running Royal Rangers.
Ahmad El-Kaakour moved to Cape Town, South Africa in 2011 to be a volunteer under the Royal Rangers national Directors, Tammy and Gerhard Uys for 6 months. In the time he was volunteering there, the team from Cape Town made the long drive to Bulembu, Swaziland to help run children’s camps. Upon driving into Bulembu for the first time, Ahmad felt the Lord calling him to this little town. During the 6 weeks they were in Bulembu the Lord stirred Ahmad’s heart and he applied for a job in Bulembu. Alongside of that, he met Allison, an American missionary, and a relationship very quickly developed. Ahmad moved to Bulembu in October 2012 to teach and work alongside Allison in running the Royal Ranger ministry and youth ministry. In 2013 Ahmad left teaching to focus on Royal Rangers and youth ministry and both he and Allison were married in August of year.
In 2016, Annabel Grace was born and shortly after, in 2017, Amaya Hope entered the world. Both girls are adventurous, kind and love the outdoors and animals. It takes a village to raise a child and we are truly lucky to have friends that are like family who we can raise children alongside. As well as the young people in Bulembu who love our children like their own family. We count it a blessing to raise children where we do. We love the Swati nation, the people, the land. We are so grateful to be counted by the Lord, and sent where we are.
In 2019, we left the Youth ministry to focus solely on Royal Rangers ministry as the National Leadership position was taken up a few years earlier. Now that the Bulembu outpost is well established and a strong leadership team in development, our aim is to also be able to focus on the National Leader role more in partnering with churches, children’s homes and ministries to start Royal Ranger ministries around Eswatini. Discipleship, mentoring and leadership development are Passions God has placed deep within us. Allison also runs a little pre-school and kindergarten a few days a week that caters to a variety of people in the area.
2020 hit the world by force and stopped a lot of progress in many areas. However, we have taken the time to take stock of where we are at, what’s the mission going forward and strategies. We look forward with anticipation, excitement and fervor.